Inspired by the Circle art of Sonia and Robert Delaunay, students first painted their plate with concentric circles. They had the primary colors and white and black, so all additional colors were created by the student. Once completed, we transformed our circle weavings into looms! The students did an amazing job weaving and just loved this experience!
Saturday, November 18, 2017
3rd Grade Circle Weavings
Tuesday, November 14, 2017
World Kindness Day!
Several classes worked on a collaborative project to help one another to practice kindness. These collaborative circle paintings require students share space, collaborate on ideas and compromise. We discussed what acts of kindness we saw at the end of class. Students were creative, had tons of fun and practiced spreading kindness. Happy World Kindness Day!! Be kind. Pass it on...
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Independent 6th grade artwork...
These students are designing a work of art entirely of their own choosing. This fosters creative thinking, envisioning, reflecting, expressing, engaging and collaboration. The quiet hum of the art room as they explore their BIG idea is evidence of their critical thinking skills as they overcome challenges, modify their idea and persevere. Here are a few works in progress:
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Thursday, October 19, 2017
Grade 4: Mandalas
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Grade 4: Torn City Scape
Fourth grade students were challenged by building a city using collage techniques. They began with a background layer for their city line . Gradually they worked from the background to the foreground, adding more details and larger shapes as they worked.
Saturday, September 30, 2017
Grade 6 Watercolor Painting: A work in progress...
Monday, September 18, 2017
Spofford Pond School
I am so happy to be continuing my journey as an art teacher here in Boxford, MA at Spofford Pond School! As I begin my 16th year teaching art, I am excited to bring with me the knowledge I've gained, as well as to have this opportunity to learn from my new students!
My vision is to create an innovative art program that challenges my students, allows them to express themselves and helps them to be independent thinkers. Taking risks in art is encouraged, as is collaboration, thinking outside the box and trying something new. My classroom is designed to be a calm, safe space where creativity is encouraged and supported.
If you would like to connect with me I am most easily reached by email at I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.
I look forward to an amazing year here in Boxford and can't wait to share the student work with you!
Friday, May 5, 2017
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Classroom Expectations
Classroom Expectations:
Students are expected to maintain an indoor voice during working time. Students are encouraged to share ideas, but must do so in a respectful way while others are working. Students are expected to respect one another, respect the materials and space, and respect the teacher. Students are expected to try their best, using their time in a productive way and showing consistent effort. They are expected to seek help as needed and to take creative risks within the guidelines of the assignment.
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